TCA Journal Excerpts

Articles featured on this web page have previously been published in Texas Classics in Action, the biannual journal of the Texas Classical Association. For information about subscriptions, please check under Membership.

All articles are copyrighted. However, articles may be reproduced without permission for educational purposes (use in the classroom). For reproduction in other publications, please contact Texas Classics in Action Editor John Chu [john (dot) chu (at) nisd (dot) net].

Oral Skills and Reading Proficiency in the Latin Curriculum Plan of Oral Exam for Certifying Latin Teachers (While not an article, this was originally published in Texas Classics in Action and should be widely read. Although there is no oral examination for certification at this time, all teachers and future teachers should consider this a guide to excellence in teaching.)

The Teaching of Elementary Latin by Gareth Morgan

Textbook Analysis: A Refresher Course by Gareth Morgan

Lindsey Davis: An Interview by Ginny Lindzey

Well How Did This Happen? by Lindsey Davis

To Dive for the Meaning of Words by George Bass

The "View Through" and the "View Out" in the Ancient Roman House by John Clarke

Clodius vs Cicero: The Trial of the Century that Never Took Place by Steven Perkins

Results of the Double Dactyl Competition by Doug Parker

What I Teach & Why & How by Rose Williams

Something New, Something Old by Paul Distler

Latin for those Who Live under Rocks, are Juvenile Delinquents, or Watch Entirely Too Much Televisionby Jeanine Edson

All content © Texas Classical Assocation. For permission to reprint articles or to report problems, please contact Andrew Rist: webmaster [at] txclassics [dot] org. Last update:August 17, 2009.