Past Conference Materials


Jennie Luongo and Lauren Dill - Ludi Romani: Bringing Ancient History to Life

Shelley McCormick - T-TESS? I got this!


Bob Cape - Perfect Storm

Laura Shaw - Reading in the Margins

Ryan Williams - The Sound of Latin

Rachael Clark - Differentiation in the Latin Classroom

Nancy Llewellyn - Sixty Years of the Living Latin Movement

Tara Sewell-Lasater - Amazons! The Myth, the Meme, the Reality

Mike Skupin - Good King, Bad King: Roswitha "Spins"


Project Palooza Dropbox


The Travel Abroad Group's Prezi Presentation

AP Overview Handout
Caesar Resources

Grace West's Caesar Handout

All content © Texas Classical Assocation. For permission to reprint articles or to report problems, please contact Andrew Rist: webmaster [at] txclassics [dot] org. Last update:November 3, 2017.